SSLF2900 Soldering station

 Especially designed for lead-free soldering
 Power: 100 W
 ± 3°C temperature stability
 Temperature adjustable 100-500°C
 32 VAC hi-recovery nichrome heating
 Auto power down after 15 minutes of idling
 45 second ramp time to max temp setting
 LCD display which shows the temperature set and the current temperature (in °C)
 High quality housing ESD Safe Replaceable Soldering iron with a plug (detachable from base station)
 Pre-setting function for 3 temperatures
 All controls operate are on the LCD display screen
 Includes soldering station, soldering iron and stand for the iron
 Standard tip: SDK601
 Dimensions: ¾-module, 187.5(W) x 200(H) mm
• SDKSDSERIE Tip serie, 4 pcs